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Recognizing the warning signs that your hot water system needs repairs

Detecting problems early with your hot water system can prevent costly future repairs. There are several key signs that your system may be failing and require maintenance or replacement:

  • Water leaks - Inspect the tank, pipes, and fittings for drips or pooling water, which could signify cracks or corrosion that compromise your system’s integrity.
  • Temperature issues - Abnormally hot or cold water may signal a malfunctioning heating element.
  • Discoloured water in your water heater - Rusty, brown or dirty looking water points to internal corrosion or sediment build-up.
  • Noise alerts - Popping, banging, and cracking noises may indicate your water heater is on the brink of failure.
  • High energy bills - Wasted energy - A malfunctioning water heater working overtime to heat water leads to significant electricity waste.

Pay attention to warning signs like noises and leaks, as they can indicate serious underlying issues. Give us the opportunity to examine your hot water system if you suspect there’s an issue, to ascertain if repairs or a complete replacement are warranted to ensure your family’s safety.

Understanding the average lifespan of a hot water system

A hot water system’s lifespan typically ranges from 8 to 12 years before repairs might be necessary. Once your hot water system reaches this age range, it’s essential to inspect it for signs of wear and potential repair needs. Older units are prone to issues such as leaks, noisy hot water tanks, rust, and sediment buildup, increasingly so over time.

Homeowners should start to look for signs that their water heater needs servicing annually after 6-7 years of use.

Regularly inspect your water heater for leaks, strange noises, and decreased efficiency. This mindful approach helps to keep your system in check, catching small repairs early before they transform into large, expensive problems. Think of it as preventative maintenance for your hot water system.

If your hot water heater is over 10 years old, it may be time to consider investing in a new hot water system if repair costs often outweigh replacement. In such instances, investing in new hot water heaters that are more energy-efficient and aligned with your needs could be the preferred approach.

Visible leaks and tank corrosion

Visible leaks are a clear signal to inspect your hot water system for possible repairs or replacement. Check your tank, pipes, valves and fittings for any signs that could leak your hot water. There could be various causes for leaks in your system including cracked fittings, loose joints, valve failures, or corrosion eating through the metal surfaces of the tank or pipes.

Significant corrosion or rust on the exterior of a hot water tank is another warning that your heater should be inspected for potential compromise or failure. Internal corrosion and sediment buildup over time can reduce metal thickness and tank integrity. In your home hot water system, visible external corrosion often reflects internal issues, especially when the tank itself starts corroding.

Promptly address visible leaks and external tank corrosion to preserve your hot water system’s performance and efficiency.

Ongoing exposure to moisture damage can induce water damage or proliferate mould problems within your home. Call us to inspect, and in some cases, determine if tank replacement or section repairs are most viable.

Temperature inconsistencies and fluctuations

Inconsistent or fluctuating hot water temperatures can indicate issues with your system’s thermostat or heating element. The thermostat regulates water temperature, while the element heats the water. A faulty water heating element or thermostat can lead to experiences such as:

  • Irregular hot and cold cycles during showers
  • Water not getting hot enough to meet your desired temperature setting
  • Sudden spikes in very hot or cold water

Ignoring these temperature fluctuations could result in complete heater failure or a lack of hot water. It also renders household tasks like showering, washing dishes, or doing laundry an uncomfortable challenge and necessitates considering repair or replacement for energy efficiency.

Our comprehensive repair services include troubleshooting the specific issue with your water heater or recommending whether a replacement is the best solution.

Continued use without addressing temperature inconsistencies risks further damage, indicating the system is not functioning correctly. Contact us for a professional inspection of the thermostat and heating element for faults.

Discolored or rusty water coming out of taps

Discoloured or rusty water from your taps suggests problems inside your hot water system’s tank. Over time, sediment, mineral deposits, and corrosion can become a significant problem. As this coating flakes off the interior metal surfaces, it tints the heated water with rust or brown hues.

The anode rod attracts corrosion to protect the tank; if it fails, your plumbing system’s components can corrode faster.

So rusty or dirty-looking water signifies your hot water quality is compromised and tank integrity is weakening. Discoloured water also points to potential problems with the sacrificial anode rod inside your tank.

The deteriorating interior surfaces mean your system is ageing and prone to leakages or even catastrophic tank failures. From this point, we can ascertain if section repairs to address a leak your hot water tank has, or a total system replacement is the optimal solution.

Strange noises from the hot water system

Rumbling, banging, or loud clicking from your water heater often indicate excessive sediment and mineral buildup inside the tank. The rattling, banging and cracking noises may stem from sediment buildup coming loose and agitating within the tank.

Such noises typically indicate considerable interior corrosion and sediment build-up in your system. Continuing to use your heater despite these symptoms necessitates immediate attention, as it may be time replace it to prevent further contamination of your water supply.

Don’t wait until these noises become critical, as they are signs your system needs attention now. Call us immediately to inspect and flush your tank if needed. We can also conduct heater repair, check if full drainage and interior cleaning will restore functionality or if it’s time to replace for the safer, longer-lasting solution for your home.

Rotten egg smells indicating a potential gas leak

A rotten egg odour from your hot water heater could signal a gas leak; it’s crucial to seek urgent repair. The odour indicates the presence of methane gas which can lead to poisoning or ignition risks for your home.

Never ignore a rotten egg smell as it could indicate a dangerous gas leak from your system. We are available 24/7 for hot water system repairs and can urgently identify and repair gas leaks.

Turn off the hot water immediately and evacuate the house. Give us a call for immediate support, in addition to dialling 000 for emergency assistance.

Safely locating and sealing leaks is crucial before continuing gas hot water system use. Methane is flammable and toxic if inhaled in high concentrations.

As licenced professionals familiar with gas systems, we possess the expertise to thoroughly test your piping and accurately diagnose the source of the leak. We can then advise whether section repairs or full replacement is the best solution to get your hot water running safely again.

Higher than normal energy bills

A sudden increase in energy bills suggests it’s time to inspect your water heater for inefficiencies. The most common issue with old units is that they tend to lose heat insulation capacity over time, running constantly to maintain your temperature setting. This wastes a substantial amount of electricity.

Higher energy bills are a clear sign of significant faults in the heating element or thermostat, resulting in constant reheating cycles. Sediment buildup and corrosion also reduce heating efficiency, again making your system work overtime.

A noticeable increase in energy bills is a serious indicator that your water heater may need an in-depth evaluation or replacement. Call us to inspect the insulation, heating element, thermostat and interior tank surfaces. From there we can best advise if targeted repairs or complete modern replacement will provide the energy savings and performance your household needs.

Importance of regular hot water system maintenance

Regular maintenance and inspections are critical for extending the lifespan of your hot water system and ensuring ongoing efficiency and safety.

Homeowners can adhere to simple maintenance practices for their electric hot water systems, which include:

  • Drain the tank’s pressure relief valve every year to clear sediment buildup.
  • Flush the tank to clear debris - we recommend every 2 years once the system is 5 years or older
  • Annually checking valves, connections, and pipes for leaks or corrosion is essential to system health.
  • Keep an eye on your energy bills for unexplained spikes that may hint at a yellow pilot light or other issues.

An annual service check by our licenced technicians as part of preventative maintenance is highly recommended once systems pass 5 years of operation.

During a standard service, we will:

  • Test all components like solar hot water heating elements, thermostats and anodes
  • Inspect the tank interior and flush as required
  • Check insulation, gas pipes & electrical wiring as applicable
  • Clear any debris or sediment buildup
  • Assess and adjust system efficiency

Regular maintenance and servicing can greatly extend your water system’s safe and efficient operational life. It also reduces the risk of failures leading to leaks, explode risks or water contamination while keeping running costs low.

Give us a chance to assist you before you have an urgent issue – reach out and contact us for support. Get ahead of problems through preventative maintenance. Contact our experienced team today to discuss crafting an annual service plan that’s ideal for your home business or personal residence.

Knowing when to repair vs. replace your hot water system

As a hot water system ages past 8-10 years, repair costs can often exceed replacement. When considering repairs for an aged unit, factor in:

  • Age and lifespan - Systems over 10 years old are approaching the end of their systems lifespan, often even with diligent repairs.
  • Fault recurrence - Repairing one issue only for others to appear indicates systemic decline.
  • Efficiency - Old tanks lose heat insulation ability over time, wasting energy.
  • Water contamination risks - Internal corrosion can lead to rust, sediment in water.
  • Safety hazards - Faulty electrical or gas hot systems present ignition/leak risks.

Replacing outdated systems with a gas hot water system provides modern efficiencies and safety:

  • Energy efficient models like heat pump systems can lower monthly bills by up to 30%.
  • New technology like solar hot systems can further reduce costs.
  • Advanced T&P valves, anodes and sensors in a solar hot water system minimise leak/contamination risks.
  • Modern materials and components last 15+ years over old steel tanks.

Although there’s an upfront cost, new hot water systems deliver long-term savings and improved safety for your home. Contact us - our licenced experts can advise whether repairing or replacing your unit is the smarter investment.

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